Tuesday, December 17, 2013


  • For this assignment I had to create a butterfly image with a flower. I had to use layers and the picture had to be original.
  • First I started with the background. I made a rectangle and fit it to my canvas. I gave it and inner bevel and its own layer. I did this for the blue background as well. For the yellow background I gave it an inset emboss to make the picture look framed.
  • Now onto the flower. I used the polygon tool and adjusted the sides and angles to give a flower shape. Then I moved the handles around to make it not as sharp looking. I did the same steps with the inner flower and grouped it with the pink flower. I gave each flower an inner bevel.
  • For the stem I used the pen tool to create points and just connected them to make a stem shape. I make the stem and the flower separate layers. I also gave the stem an inner bevel.
  • For my butterfly I only used the circle and swirl tool to make the shapes. I added points and adjusted them to make the wings. To make sure the wings were symmetrical I copied one and went to modify, transform, and flip horizontal. Then I made a bunch of different circles and ovals to make the wings prettier. Then I gave the wings a texture and grouped the butterfly together with Ctrl-G. 
  • Then I used the text-box tool to add my name.