Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cornucopia Assignment

For this assignment I had to create a cornucopia for Thanksgiving. The cornucopia had to be filled with fruits and vegetables only grown in fall. So I chose pumpkin, squash, corn, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, an apple, and some flowers for decoration. We had to make this picture using layers and other features in Firework.

The background (layer 11/background):
I used the paintbrush tool and chose a splatter paint around the edges. Then I used the spiral tool and gave it a glow, and put them in the corners.

The cornucopia basket (layer 10/basket): 
First I took the paintbrush tool and made the general shape of the basket. Then filled in the basket with the color I wanted, then scribbled lines to give it texture. Next, I made a circle and gave it an ellipse gradient, I positioned the circle under my basket shape to make it look empty. Then I clicked Ctrl-Shift and grabbed both objects, next I clicked Ctrl-G and that grouped my objects together to make a cornucopia.

The squash (layer 9/squash):
 First I made an oval shape then used the white cursor to move the points to the shape I liked. I gave it a mesh texture and an inner bevel. I then added a stem with the rounded rectangle tool. Then I clicked Ctrl-Shift and grabbed both objects, next I clicked Ctrl-G and that grouped my objects together.

The pumpkin (layer 8/squash):
First I made 3 ovals, then I put the ovals close together, I used the white cursor to make the two outer ovals to the shape I wanted. I gave all 3 shapes an inner bevel. For the stem I did the exact same steps just with a closed spiral shape. Then I clicked Ctrl-Shift and grabbed both objects, next I clicked Ctrl-G and that grouped my objects together.

The grapes (layer 7/grapes):
First I made one small circle and gave it an inner bevel and a texture. Then I used  Ctrl-Alt to duplicate it and make a bunch of circles. I used the same technique for the leaves and then clicked Ctrl-Shift and grabbed both objects, next I clicked Ctrl-G and that grouped my objects together.

The apple (layer 6/apple):
First I made and oval and duplicated it, then I put the ovals close together and and grouped them. I gave the shape an inner bevel and made a leaf which also has an inner bevel. Then I grouped the leaf with the apple shape.

The corn (layer 5/corn):
First I made one big oval and two smaller ovals. I positioned the two smaller ovals on the outside of the big one and used the white cursor to move the points of the smaller ones to fit the big oval. The bigger oval should be yellow and the small ones should be green. I gave the yellow oval a texture different from the green ones and gave them an inner bevel and grouped them together.

The carrots (layer 4/carrots):
First I made a long oval shape, then moved the points with the white cursor to the position I wanted. Next, I gave it a texture and an inner bevel and duplicated the shape. Then clicked Ctrl-Shift and grabbed both objects, next I clicked Ctrl-G and that grouped my object together.

The tomatoes (layer 3/tomatoes):
First I made a circle and moved the points a little with the white cursor. Next I used the polygon tool and changed how many points it had to make the stem. Then I gave each of them a texture and an inner bevel. Then I finally grouped them together.

The flowers (layer 2/flowers):
First I used the polygon tool and changed the points. Then I gave the flower a texture and an inner bevel, I used the circle tool to make the center and gave it an outer bevel. I grouped the center and flower together and duplicated them to make a bunch of flowers.

The final layer (layer 1/Happy Thanksgiving):
I used the letter tool to type  my title, "Happy Thanksgiving". I highlighted it to choose my font.

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