Monday, March 10, 2014

Magazine Cover with Self Portrait

For this assignment, I had to create a magazine cover. The cover had to have a self portrait of myself that I had to make, five facts about myself, and the title of a popular magazine.
How I made my self portrait:
The Eye-
  • Start with a circle for the iris. Add the color(s) that match your eye. If your eyes are multicolored, use a gradient so the colors blend. I gave my iris a glow filter.
  • Add a smaller, black, circle for the pupil.
  • Next I made a long oval for the whites of my eye. I used the pen tool and white arrows to change the shape.
  • I used the same process as step 3 to make the eyelid, and placed it on top of my eye.
  • To make the eyelashes I used the pen and line tool. (Use a picture of yourself for a reference).
  • Once you're happy with your eye, copy and paste it. Then go to the modify button and click transform-->Flip Horizontal. 
The Nose-

  • First I made a verticle oval shape.
  • Then I moved the points around with the white arrow.
  • Then I gave it an inner bevel and made it smooth, I also gave it a  parchment texture.
  • I added two smaller ovals next to the larger shape, and shaped them to look like the side of my nose.
  • I gave these an inner bevel as well.

The Eyebrows-

  • I made a small, thin rectangle and used the pen tool and white arrow to move the points around to make the shape of my eyebrows.
  •  Then I added a texture to it, and copy and pasted to make the second one.
The Lips-

  • First I made two thin but long ovals.
  • Next I used the pen tool to add points and the white arrow to move the points around to make the shape of my lips.
  • I gave them a texture am dinner bevel.

The  Head-

  • I made a large circle and made sure it was behind all my other features. I added and moved points to make the shape of my face. 
  • Then I added a texture and inner bevel.

The Hair- 

  • I used the pen and line tool to make the hair strands.
  • Then I used the Alt key to copy each strand.
The Neck and Shirt-

  • I made a rectangle and moved the points around to look like a neck. Then gave it a texture and inner bevel.
  • For the shirt, I just made a rounded rectangle and tilted them. I gave the rectangles a bold stroke and made the color complement my eyes.

The Magazine- 

For the magazine cover I just chose the name of my favorite magazine and used a similar font to type with. Then gave five facts about myself. For the background I just made different colored swirls with the swirl tool. I chose complementary colors for the words on the magazine.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Logo Re-design/Apple

Logo Evolution
For this assignment I had to choose a well known logo and re-design it. I chose the company Apple. I had to include what previous Apple logos looked like.
How I made the new logo was I first found a picture of the current Apple logo. Then I found a picture of a real apple and copied it as a mask into the apple logo. I did the same process with leaf. Next I grouped the leaf and apple together, and gave it an outer emboss.

Business Card

For the second part of this assignment I had to use the new logo I made and turn it into a business card. I copied my new logo onto a new canvas then made my background a cone gradient. Next I typed in my information, then showed my color scheme at the bottom.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Logo Re-design

For this assignment I had to take an old logo and re-design it to make it new and fresh! The company I chose is called In Gear Clocks. I had to choose a professional color scheme and apply only those colors to the new logo.
First I used the doughnut tool to make the shape of the gear, then I made a small rectangle and copied it to make the grooves on the gear. Next I made a white circle with a black border and put it in the center of the gear. I used the line tool to make the hands and marks on the clock. Then I typed in "IN GEAR" and "CLCKS", I didn't type in the O because the clock is the O. I gave the words and clock an inner emboss, and the gear an outer bevel. Then I applied my color scheme.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Two Fruits

For this assignment I had to find two completely different fruits, with different textures and colors. I chose a pineapple and a guava. First I found the picture of a pineapple with a chunk of it cut out. Next I copied and pasted it into firework. Then used the lasso and marque tool to take out the edible part of the pineapple. Then I found a picture of a guava cut in half and used the lasso and marque tool to cut out the outside of the fruit. I changed the size and shape of the guava and put it in the middle of the pineapple. I named it a pineguava.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


This assignment is called pictography. We had to find an image of an inanimate object, copy it, shrink it  and  use a ton of the same picture to create the original picture. I chose a camera as my object. I used the lasso tool to select the  image and cut out the back ground. Then I used the Alt key to make hundreds of little copies of the camera and placed them in the spot where they'd look best. Once I had all my tiny cameras placed, I grouped them all together.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Black Swan Business Cards

For this assignment, I had to make 3 different business cards for the same business. The business is called Black Swan Graphic Design. All 3 cards had to have the same information. 

The first business card was to be unprofessional and not look neat or clean. To make this one, I copy and pasted the original black swan image onto a new canvas (I did this step for every card) and placed the image where I wanted it. The design of the swan is a mask. To do a mask I found an image from the internet; copied it, went back to my black swan image, went to Edit, clicked paste as mask, and don't re-sample. Then I gave the image a raised emboss and outer glow. I also made my font different colors.

 The second card was supposed to  be semi-professional. Once I got my black swan image, I copied it and flip the image horizontally. Then I gave each swan a contour gradient. For the background I made a rectangle and pasted in a mask, which I found on the internet. I kept my font, and font color consistent.

The last card was supposed to professional and look like an actual business card. For the background I made a rectangle and fit it to the canvas then gave it a linear gradient and moved the handles. I positioned the black swan image where I liked, and put in my information with a sophisticated font.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

President Typography

For this assignment, I did typography. I had to choose a President that is on American currency and use words that describe him and put them on his face. I chose Alexander Hamilton who is on the 10 dollar bill. I found words and facts about him and copy and pasted the words into firework. Each word has its own layer. 
To make the word fit the shape and structure of his face,
  1. I wrote the word
  2. Clicked on the word
  3. Went to 'text'
  4. Clicked Convert to Paths or 'Ctrl-Shift-P'
  5. Then clicked 'Ctrl-Shift-G'
  6. Then was able to move around each individual letter
  7. Once the word is in the place you like, choose all the letters and click 'Ctrl-G'
  8. Lock the layer the word is in
  9. Move on to next word
  10. Repeat previous steps
It was an interesting assignment that took a lot of time and work. If done correctly the final product can look very cool.